The hall is ready with ale, mead And music, and the hearth is glowing On the faces of those who attend. Solemnly, a man speaks of his ancestor, Connecting with him through the web of Wyrd. 'Sittaen Aet Symbel A beot I read Of my great-grand-father's deeds Of the life he betrothed me He cut through the flax With his ready tongue Sweet mead from his lips Flowed in yellow paths' 'Sittaen aet symbel Come brothers and maids' 'We drink! To Woden, for victory, To Njord and Freo For the qualities of ice and gold.' 'We drink!' 'Sittaen Aet Symbel Raise the horn to your lips Taste the secrets behind the staves Between measured sips A toast to the dead That see at the symbel And a declaration Of their intent in our flesh Sittaen Aet Symbel A gielp to the hall Around this table of ash That has known the nine worlds Witness my wyrd I will craft it to this end'. One by one those attending shout their appreciation 'Hail!' The Symbel is done, The beots and gielps made. A voice sings over the mead bench And the crackling fire, Whilst those present drink to the past, Present and their future...