A nation will fall in the trap of your thoughts But your message means shit If you cant back your cause Substance, substance The way you hold yourself Truly shows the truth Behind your intentions Substance, substance It's what you truly lack It's what you really need So good luck faking that And when you fail to exist The walls will start caving in It won't take long to see That you're one of the weak When you're stuck in the hot seat A nation will fall in the trap of your thoughts But your message means shit If you cant back your cause For what it's worth I'm sure you get the point by now I'm standing closer to the edge Gotta let some shit off of my chest You slick little punk bitches Thinking that you're top shit Spittin' like you're hot shit Handed too what some dream to do You've got it made for you Too caught up to be true Constantly biting my tongue For the things that I love But not this time I'm fed up I'm done But not this time I'm fed up I'm done A nation will fall in the trap of your thoughts But your message means shit If you cant back your cause There's a few things I am And a few things I'm not But id be fucking damned If I let your shit rock