
Cutting All Ties


I am cutting all ties with you
How long can we put up with this shit
It's driving me crazy

You are no more
I'm cutting all the ties with you

I can't stop thinking about this
I can't take this no longer

You are no more
I'm cutting all the ties

One out of four people
One out of four humans
In prison
Are Americans in prison in our country
2.3 million Americans were incarcerated in 2005
More than 400, 000 people die in the United States
Every year from smoking cigarettes
One third of all drug overdoses in the US
Are caused by prescription medication
The number of suicides among Americans has risen
Suicide is now the cause of injury related deaths
Experts say they reign from the increase
In accessibility to prescription drugs
To the lack of resources
To deal with mental or emotional anguish
The time we shared together has been fun
But the fact is you live in a world of insanity
Do you really look in the mirror and feel good about yourself?
Now's the time to break free from the prison you put yourself into
Every passing minute is a minute you can change yourself
All's you have to do is look in the mirror and break free from this hell
Break free from the life you put yourself into

Until then
Until then
You do this
I am sorry
I am sorry
But I'm gonna have to
But I'm gonna have to
I am cutting all ties with you
Now I play the fool