To walk among the human herd To see the mark of our degeneration Stagnant and dazed, we but relent To break the strain of our self-enforcing schemes Now our future is tantamount to past A dead-end race with a leaning for despise Immobolism: our final goal With corrupt bodies free to assume all control To confuse truth and judgment To observe the world with blinded eyes To coronate intolerance We only swallow changeless lies We seem so eager to dissent Yet through inaction we approve each restraint We keep on begging "please govern us" Freedom's abridged, utopia is distrust To confuse truth and judgment To observe the world with blinded eyes To coronate intolerance We only swallow changeless lies We are condemned to fail and to ruin our very lives To endure through denial We could let the world burn and watch each other die Consternation made us unconcerned With enforced discipline we but forfeit our very pride We require low sustenance: to be kept entertained, to feel secure and feed Deprivation is our single fear To confuse truth and judgment To observe the world with blinded eyes To coronate intolerance We only swallow changeless lies How can we feel betrayed when we yield in front of any sign of change? We keep on running away We are far too scared to ever become self-contained