2001 Let's flash this stuff back High school when I was fronting in the back of the class A free-time hobby Rap was just that Coach hated the fact I put rap to the back Time after time he told me Keep you eyes on the prize But all I ever heard was yackedy-yak Please bro Whatever never-man Well peter Move back to never-neverland Put the pen down And then the rooster crowed three times Because of peter's laziness Christ he denied He's I Peter is me Screw never-neverland I'm back to city Then here comes tinky More like holy spirit was what I was thinking Saying I know you want the other land Father dog We need you back in neverland Green tights and all Get your focus back Please see the lord The lost boys see no need to read their swords Cuz amongst the animals it's hard to be a man But the world needs you peter You gotta think you can So ran from rap too long with nothing left over So back to never-neverland I'm on the next smoker Fight my arch-nemesis No more will I be shook Christ came to loose the lost boys No more will they be hooked So here I am Back in the rap Your boys footstep was ordered clackedy-clack I'm focused on the christ And his wonderful face Self becomes dim in his glory and grace Father I know it's you I denied But I also know without you I can't walk on this water Hop hip on this aqua My will is my offer I got my eyes on you I never take em' up off ya