I was rubbing my eyes From the sting and feeling Smokey. Billowing eye, And the air grew thick. Cried, "oh my god! What kind of trick is this?" Said, "the bottom's gonna burn. Cause for celebration." Flames licking their chops As it crawled up my shoulder. So I let out a shriek That shook the foundation. Then I ran out quick, Leaving it all behind. Starting down the road, As I watched this barn on fire. Watched my life Go up in flames. Rest in the snow; I'm feeling numb. Considered the blaze And wondered how it started. Cried, "oh my god! I Need to bathe in fire!" Got nothing to say; Got something to lose. I watched my life Go up in flames. Summer soul Burned down to the ground. Now, the smoke grows thick. And oh, baby, hold on. As I crawl through a crack, My heart was just pounding. As I moved through the fire, Looked at all the wreckage: Sparks made of my skin, As I cried to heaven... Walls came down, Down to the ground. Why can't, why can't I see These flames Will take Me down To the ground?