The most wise man, became jubilant with his insanity Magnify your chalice, it is about to overflow Allow your essence spreads like the purest gold of the deepest mines Those who are not blind have the chance to fight To see the reflection of truth in your most valuable jewels Take what's left of your ashes into the valleys And make your last fathoms became the largest fire of your soul The wise man screams Freedom! We know your face And forever we will follow your signs Over high mountains (the brightest stone) Or deepest hills (the priceless jewel) The essence of self is present (the philosopher's stone) The flame than keep us high The power of will The only priceless prize We want My mind is free more and more bright Svatan in his essence, self sufficient Did you did the worm way? My freedom must justify my own existence See brother, your chains don’t exist! Go up and fly away Fallen, despisers of own will, poisoned By the sands of time, let all the grains of your extensive desert Become one elixir drop, destroy your mind prison Be the bridge for those who plead for truth Show them the way, but don’t show your steps The only true is your own true And it’s unique Conquer your own world Be the master of your own kingdom Don’t let the great dragon penetrate your walls in lamb skin Be ready for the great chaos Be ready Not bow down to false chairs Build your own throne Fear, falsity and uncertainty are contagious Be ready for the great chaos Be ready Madness All the gods are just fragments of men Disillusioned and lost time from their eternal weaknesses Take your ashes to the highest mountains And build your highest flame