Pale coming forth from eternal madness Your moans arousing me! So erect from your sickening stench of life Greed is the source I molest your limbs Centuries so dark upon me ~ but I see a light beyond you! You awake the ultimate deeds in me For ages all my hands have felt are roots of a mountain In darkness fascinated by the mind of my own Craving for the ultimate nocturnal behaving My lusts are trapped in horror through a scepter of stone I know my eyes have never glanced upon such a glory The skin like mine, just with the less of a limb Drooling in sensation there's no moist in the other Breathing, screaming, I am at one with my own For everything that is forgotten neglecting you (Ultimate necrophilia) It's the pride and the wholly, the altar of lust (Necrophilia) This is the lord and all the above (Ultimate necrophilia) Ultimatum, necrophilia Ultimate necrophilia My body craving/ My touch numbs what rests within Eco stones I create My caressing hand undress your life, from the age I have opened I see, from the age I have opened, I see - I see the light! This is all for the restless man, all to fulfill haunting desires Ultimatum, necrophilia Ultimatum, necrofili Ultimatum, necrophilia