Beyond the fields of the ancient and old And the realms of the unending golden halls There is an old castle cruel and cold With paintings of Antagonism on the walls The stairs grimmly whisper and yawn When the Knjaz (=Fürst)is stalking the night With misantrophy into the darkend dawn With thirst in his eyes of stone and might Is it the tree, is it the leaf - moments of clarity Never will forget the fascination of the Black The source of menacing nocturnal emotions Candles burning in galleries of death Mourning clouds embrace the monument The Knjaz, the master of his own breath And his will - the emperor's foundament Is it the tree, is it the leaf - moments of clarity Never will forget the fascination of the Black The source of menacing nocturnal emotions Vivo tibi morientur oculi, nec quidquam videbis, nisi dormiens. Aegritudo somnium affecit. Neque Cupiditas Dementii Neque Insania Cacitae Ecce ellychnium diluculorum. Ecce - mea mens divina. Cereus tuus finibus ambis ardet. Vivo tibi morientur oculi, nec quidquam videbis, nisi dormiens.