Suzanne Vega


Suzanne Vega

Tom: Gm

Gm7       353333
Db7       x4342x
D7sus4/A  x0553x
Ebmaj7*   x657xx
D7        x5453x
G7        353433
Cm7       x35343
Dm7       x57565
Ebmaj7    x68786
D7        x5757x
G         x55433
Gm        x55333

Gm7 Eb5 D7

[Verse 1]
         Gm7  Db7     D7sus4/A     D7
It won't do        to dream of caramel
      D7sus4/A       D7     D7sus4 Gm7  Ebmaj7* D7
to think of cinnamon    and long for you.

It won't do to stir a deep desire,
                                         Gm7 G7
to fan a hidden fire that can never burn true.

[Chorus 1]
Cm7    Dm7     Ebmaj7     Dm7       Cm7
     I know your name, I know your skin,
  Dm7            Ebmaj7       D7
I know the way these things begin;
            G    Gm             D7sus4/A        D7
But I don't know     how I would live with myself,
            D7sus4/A      D7
what I'd forgive of myself
             Gm7  D7
if you don't go.

[Verse 3]
So goodbye, sweet appetite,
no single bite could satisfy...