Falling tears, caused by him, and words silencing my screams. Not existing for a moment. Dark prince, step into my dream, and silence my screams. Once I lost my hope, had no believe. Sharing my visions. A world that's in my mind. Sharing your thoughts. The past I leave behind. Once I lost my hope, had no believe. Vanished, dissolved, Faded into black. I'm falling. There's no turning back. Once I lost my hope, had no believe. I'm crying, confused by this illusion. There's no turning back. Fading.. I'm standing and drowning. This girl makes me afraid. I know he tried, I know he did. He was just too late. Falling tears, caused by him, and words silencing my screams. Not existing for a moment. Dark prince, step into my dream. I'm standing and drowning. This girl makes me afraid. I know he tried, I know he did. He was just too late. Take my hand and guide me. Through mourning times that'll come.