Susan Ashton

Hold The Intangible

Susan Ashton

You've heard the stories 
You've read the message in the pages 
You consider crucifixion: is it fact or fiction for the ages 
Did He really appear 
Like they say that He did 
Does it conquer the fear 
Did He die so that we could live 
You'd like to think that it's true. 

Oh, But you want to hold the intangible 
To fashion the darkness into familiar shape 
To see with your eyes 
To know in your mind 
Oh ye of so little faith 
Only the heart, can hold the intangible. 

There is a chamber 
In the soul of the believer 
It holds reason in defiance 
The demanding hand of science may not enter. 

But let's just suppose how it would be 
To trade all you know 
For one ounce of true belief 
Then you'd learn the peace of that place. 

Oh, But you want to hold the intangible 
To fashion the darkness into familiar shape 
To see with your eyes 
To know in your mind 
Oh ye of so little faith 
Only the heart, can hold the intangible. 

But let's just suppose how it would be 
To trade all you know 
For one ounce of true belief 
Then you'd learn the peace of that place. 

Oh, But you want to hold the intangible 
To fashion the darkness into familiar shape 
To see with your eyes 
To know in your mind 
Oh ye of so little faith 
Only the heart, can hold the intangible. 

You want to hold the intangible. 

Oh, you want to hold the intangible...