Down Down Down That's the way we're traveling Our social fabric unravels But who pulled the string Philosophers politicians or the school teachers Game of life and death and we're sitting on the bleachers What happened to our voice What happened to our influence Tell me who will listen to uneducated congregants And why should they when all we have to say is Bumper sticker doctrine and cute catch phrases Does this amaze us that no one will take us seriously We talk big but then we sit in atrophy Apathy they make comedy of our hypocrisy Unaware of true biblical philosophy So we gotta watch what we do and what they see Cause we represent Christ plus Christianity The underground sound here to take your mind higher I pound the ground Burn it down life fire We walk the long path, Still on the first half You escape reason, we escape wrath God is not concerned with Gallup Poll opinion Or if the whole human race were to disagree with Him Truth is what I spit But you ain't hearing it Or you ain't having it But it don't matter which 'Cause God is still himself and He could strike us dead Even in the pink of health You don't think I should say that You say you don't believe that Our opinion counts for zero, And that is simply that, Like I'm Mojo that's how it goes that's just the way of things God is not impressed disagreeing won't change anything, We all must beg for mercy and surely God'll show it There's a reason for our hope you ask me how I know it God said it and that's without a doubt "He who comes to me I will in no way cast out" A city under siege who will you believe champions of truth or of apostasy you wanna take on me you take on Elohim He controls all that was is and what will be