Without smile, through these eyes you look so fake In the name of attention, you drag people in your way With a thousand promises, hiding your life behind your lies And then what you wanna do if your target turns to me... Well fashioned as pretender, you leave your real world behind Never think where you stand, you turn yourself (to) PSYCHO -- PSYCHO Mentally locked to disco PSYCHO -- PSYCHO Not be differ you wanna be PSYCHO -- PSYCHO Mentally locked to disco PSYCHO -- PSYCHO I don't know where you will go Hard to be the one, who took things bit too strong? Then create your unreal mind where you eat those fakes a lot I bet you won't even say a word that sounds so smart to me Surrender to your emotion, you will find what's going on That won't make me wanna kill you I will stay in my line where's my faith have to stand