Completning the four sides of the flaming sickle When the horizon is painting black The false symbols are falling with crash The conception born of hate The conception at which all other are wasting their blaze The zero hour - is reaching the zenih Hideous race - caressing the abominable face of yehowah Drop on your knees! Your prayers are growing silent with fear - but they will be granted You will become eternal in vortex of death and strange laugh again Jewish tribe crawling in its own lies Jewish tribe with deceitful gaze We as the pillar of the old belief We - the holy race - proud and heroic Completning the four sides of the flaming sickle... Let the feast begin When the horizon is painting black From the north the sea is thick of blood From the south - the mountainous heaps of bodies From the west and east - the forest of gallows and chimneys of death (hideous race!) You've awoken the death machine which nothing and no one will stop From the times of the ancient rome, through the chimneys of death Until nowadays Hideous race! Now and here look by your languid gaze Our sacred aryan blood is raging in our veins like a mountain river! Did you contrived our immortal hate through the centuries? (hideous race!) Do you remember at least one century that has been avoided by the aryan expansion? Jewish tribe crawling in its own lies Jewish tribe with deceitful gaze (completing the four sides of the flaming sickle Let the feast begin From the north are raging the storms From the south - earthquakes From the east the tongues of flame are burning the jewish faces From the west the clouds of smoke are tightening the lines of gallows.) When the horns of war will give a sign The sacrifical wrath of bodies will be contributed When on the ashes of the temple of yahweh The ancient pagan empires will glitter with their power again! Among the eternal, sacred fire, always will tend the hammer of war When even one breath of the jewish womb will be heard When it will rose... The hunger of the elements of war will crave a sacrifice again!