Monuments of the elder faith ...among gales and lightnings ...among vampires burning fears reflections Angry eagle's gaze watches In above a nocturnal sun sows with rays Covered with coat of wings - we go as the shadows of ancestors Eagle's heart gives the rythm to primaeval rites Where circles of monuments of the elder faith Here follows blazing dawn - for awaking pantheon Here follows blazing dawn - the spark to aryan hearts Burning the battlefields by day And permeating the cold steel of weapon with the mirror of night Here follows blazing dawn - for awaking pagan bosom ...for countless are births for superhuman dimension... ...monuments of elder faith Wrapped by mystical sense of light Infectiously directing the chosen ones We watch the more and more genuine vestiges Turning to one, the runes of life and war When maternal appeal will assume an animal instinct The old trees will protectively bend their boughs Born on pagan tree of life - born from wolf's pack Born on the border of life and death Born for an eternal idea Among the walls of time, hiding timeless empire Among the crests, welding the sky with the earth Among the mist, waving between two suns We run, tearing the horizons as the blasphemous comet Aryan gods bewitched into cyclical movement of stars Aryan gods bewitched in the monuments of elder faith By the circular path of gammadion The fog falls from the mountains, and the water in the lakes Diquieting looses its shine We put on the hoods, sticking the sword of wrath into the cross We open the gates to aryan rites Among chaos and pest of unfamiliar creeds Tending the wisdom chanted in the runes We burn deceitful dwarfs of history We protect the heritage of ancestors Tending in heart the solar wisdom We wake up with fiery dawn - honour and hate! Among fluttering banners Proudly looking up to fiery crescent We pay the homage - with the heroic right hand On the cross-roads, trodden by battle rage Where the blood and bowels flow on the sacrifical stones We kill in the name of the sanctity of blood We kill in the name of the sacred land - the mother, which had born us And kept carying, waiting for us to be ready To throw us into the turmoil of war elements when the blood were flowing on hands Heart was beating in the volcanic rythm - we were greeting the gods of war Asking them to our insane feast