A king there was in days of the old Ere men yet walked upon the mould His power was reared in caverns shade His hand was over glen and glade His shields were shining as the moon His lances keen of steel were hewn Of silver grey his crown was wrought The starlight in his banners caught And silver thrilled his trumpets long Beneath the stars in challenge strong Enchantment did his realm enfold Where might and glory wealth untold Um rei que havia há tempos Ere homens ainda pisado o molde Seu poder foi criado nas sobras das cavernas Sua mão estava sobre o vale e clareira Seus escudos estavam brilhando como a lua Suas lanças afiadas de aço foram lavradas De cinza prata sua coroa foi forjada A luz das estrelas presa em seus banners E prata estusiasmavam suas longas trompetas Sob as estrelas em um forte desafio Encantmento fez o seu reino envolver Onde poder e gloria riqueza incalculável