Tom: A Tabbed by: Samskeyti Email: * Tuning: AEADF#B Intro: a: |----------| |----------| |----------| |-1-2-1----| |-1-2-1-3*-| |-1-2-1----| x4 . . . b: |----------| |----------| |----------| |-1-2-1----| |-1-2-1----| |-1-2-1-3*-| x1 . . . Intro A x4 Intro B x1 Intro A x1 Riff 1: |-----------------------| |-----------------------| |-----------------------| |-----------------------| |-----------------------| |-00h100h100h1001144----| x2 Tremolo picking. Riff 2: |---------| |---------| |---------| |-1-2-----| |-1-2-----| |-1-2--3*-| . . Riff 1 x2 Riff 2 x1 Riff 1 x2 Riff 2 x1 Riff 3: |----------------------| |----------------------| |----------------------| |-3--------------------| |--5-4-5-4-4-----------| |-------0-0------------| x6 . . Riff 4: |-----------------| |-----------------| |-----------------| |-----------------| |-----------------| |-000000000000000-| Tremolo pick the A string open for a couple measures. Breakdown: You can figure it out. It's all open and palm muted. Listen to song for exact rhythm. Riff 5: |---------| |---------| |---------| |-4-3-1---| |-4-3-1---| |-4-3-1---| . . . Riff 6: |-----------------| |-----------------| |-----------------| |-----------------| |-777-444-555-----| |------------0----| . Tremolo picked. It's hard to tell what riffs are being played in this section. There's a combo of Riffs 5 and 6 going on, along with other ones that I can't figure out. Good luck. Riff 7: |--------| |--------| |--------| |-3------| |--5-4---| |-----0--| x16 . Riff 8: |------------| |------------| |------3~----| |-0~---x~----| |-0~---1-----| |-0~---------| x4 Riff 9: |------------| |------------| |--------3---| |-1-3-1--x---| |-1-3-1--1---| |-1-3-1------| x7 . . . Riff 10: a: |------------| |------------| |------------| |-1-3-1------| |-1-3-1--3*--| |-1-3-1------| . . . b: |------------| |------------| |------------| |-1-3-1------| |-1-3-1------| |-1-3-1--3*--| . . . Riff 11: |---------------| |---------------| |---------------| |-0~-0~-0~------| |-0~-0~-0~------| |-0~-0~-0-------| Riff 12: |-------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------| |----557788---887755---775544---------------| |-000------888------444------444000444111---| x6 Tremolo picked. The notes on the A string are quick triplets. On the last time, hit an open chord and let it ring. Riff 13: |--------------------------| |--------------------------| |--------------------------| |-0-4-1-0-000-000-000------| |-0-4-1-0-000-000-000------| |-0-4-1-0-000-000-000--3*--| x7 . . . . ... ... ... Riff 14: |---------------------| |---------------------| |---------------------| |---------------------| |---------------------| |-004100h100h10014----| Tremolo picked. Similar to the riff at the intro. After Riff 14, it goes back into the breakdown again. The song ends on the intro riff. This is my interpretation of: http://*?v=3JbDccTr2yA and the song. Please submit any corrections or additions. Thanks.