As shakesphere wrote his last few And bonds were broken at the sight of a full moon I bowed to a god only described in biblical words On sacred words I spew All glamour and shame return unto me once more Frozen hour all virtues whistled threw the breathless wind again… On this burial dead The passed lye unsaid As they March threw the gates Shaking hands with Christ I lye on my bed With virtues unsaid Now I've become you I still remember (the days) Hold on just hold on you're falling down Hold on just hold on to the end Hold on just hold on On the edge of sanity I stand Waiting for my last command Virtues at my feet My life looks so bleak All this pain on me Reflected by my dreams All has become so sordid As shakesphere wrote his last few And bonds were broken at the sight of a full moon I bowed to a god only described in biblical words On sacred words I spew All glamour and shame return unto me once more Frozen hour all virtues whistled threw the breathless wind again… On this burial dead The passed lye unsaid As they March threw the gates Shaking hands with Christ I lye on my bed With virtues unsaid Now I've become you I still remember (the days) Hold on just hold on you're falling down Hold on just hold on to the end Hold on just hold on (forever)