Einar This girl I know she's sick for toys, sick for toys. She needs a new toy, a brand new toy, she's tired of her old toy's. She's got a big house Full of old toys What can she do? She needs a new toy. Björk Sick sick sick for toys, Sick sick sick for toys. Einar She's sick, sick for toys Einar She disposes of her old toys She ... needs a new toy And in a small garden she finds a small boy. She smiles, she's happy she found her new toy a small boy. She's sick for toy, she needs a new toy, To watch her comb her hair, comb all of her hair, Björk Sick sick sick for toys, Sick sick sick for toys. Einar She's sick, sick for toys She's sick, sick for toys She's really sick for toys Einar This girl I know found a new toy, A boy she used him to watch her comb hair Day in day out, night in night out, She really was sick for toy, In the end she fell asleep The boy cut off her hair, all of her hair, she was bald, she might not now be sick for toys. esta garota eu conheço ela é doente por brinquedos. ela precisa de um brinquedo novo ela está cansada dos seus brinquedos velhos. ela tem uma casa grande cheia de brinquedos velhos o que ela pode fazer? ela dispõe de seus brinquedos velhos e em um pequeno jardim ela encontra um garotinho. ela sorri, ela esta feliz ela achou seu novo brinquedo um garotinho. ela usa o novo brinquedo para assistir seu pente seu cabelo, todo o dia, toda a noite no fim ela cai exausta adormecida, o garoto corta todo o seu cabelo, ela estava careca, ela pode não agora ser doente por brinquedos...