transcribed by ROB [any corrections or questions are welcome, e-mail me at *] This is a nice solo, easy to play, and sounds pretty exotic. all notes are played tremolo-style and with heavy distortion slide slow and fade e|-14----12----10--9---9--8---9---8--5--1--2-----3--7--10----15--14--14/(0)--------------| H|-14----12----10--9---9--8---9---8--5--1--2-----3--8--12----15--14--14/(0)--------------| G|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| I found out that there's a second version of this song were the solo is a bit longer, but this is basicly it and you should be able to figure out the rest on your own. HAVE PHUN! / - slide down to \ - slide up to b - bend ~ - vibrate h - hammer on p - pull off