At downcast head I'm standing between Speechless rows and sentiment how my eyes defer to cry I'm watering the ground with my tears And deliver a prayer For the one I lost Memorial prayer For those dears that we've bereaved Death hacked them Every beloved to his lovers Oh, the losses that are coiling around us Abide alone with all sweet memories That are growing within my depth Oh, why those we love are (to be) taken first? The splendor of their life wilted Like flowers at derelict field They've left us Pile of farewell tears Cries out into the void Drowning at vast sadness A limdids memories as spring Memorial prayer All that we have loved Now passes through our damp eyes Memorial prayer For our dears that death erased their shades One by one like leaves at autumn falling and lust I didn't know will I ever be able to outcry My tears? I'm still waiting at unending nights Await for thee to return Oh, all in vain And we hope to find comfort at cry But the drawback is too fierce in order To over come about the