Album: Second Hand Smoke Tabbed By: BiSk~LiMpKiT (BiskL*) BISK'S NOTE: This song is a little fast paced and it took me a little while to be able to pick it up...never fear though, for there are two ways you can play it...the easy way, and what i will call the "experienced bassist" way...mess around with both and see which one you like better. Verse 1: "So tell me if you really wanna be a superstar..." G:---------------------------------- D:---------8-8-7-7------------------ A:-5-7-8-5----------5-7-8-5--------- E:---------------------------6-6-5-5 Verse 2: "My beginning of wisdom I...." EASY WAY: G:---------------------------------------- D:-555555555-----------555555555-777777777 A:-----------555555555-------------------- E:---------------------------------------- EXPERIENCED BASSIST WAY (don't bother tryin if not really coordinated): G:------------------------------------------ D:5-5-5-555-------------5-5-5-555--7-7-7-77- A:-5-5-5---5-5-5-55555---5-5-5------7-7-7--- E:----------5-5-5--------------------------- Chorus (Takes a while to memorize, once you have it, you'll remember it forever): "I realize sometimes i feel lost inside..." G:------------------------------- D:--4-7-----2-5------------------ A:-5----5-3-----3---5-8-----4-7-- E:----------------6-----6-5-----5 That's it with the song and i guarantee that sometime, somehow, you will get it. If you don't, i'll fly over to your house and beat you over the head with your bass 'til you play it like Eric =) *TREMENDOUS THANK YOU TO HOOCHIE MOMMA FOR ORIGINALY TABBING PART OF THIS*