If all the miserable moments in the life were collected into one point It would be a more cruel punishment than any other But these are scattered through our whole life Whilst the pain of death exerts all its force in a moment Who can calmly renounce the pleasure of existence Who is so weary of life as to brave brave the idea of end Will never be influenced by any one In a secret corner of the mind In which the original impressions of nature are still preserved Men discover a sentiment which tells them That their lives are not lawfully in the power of any one Dare to struggle and dare to live Every individual wishes, if possible To be exempt from the compacts compacts that bind the rest of mankind Every individual wishes, if possible To be exempt from the compacts compacts that bind the rest of mankind In a secret corner of the mind In which the original impressions of nature are still preserved Men discover a sentiment which tells them That their lives are not lawfully in the power of any one