your conviction, your fucking ignorance, your narrow-minded thinking are these the weapons you defend your truth with, your so-called freedom? but there is no war! blinded by fear and the aparent uniqueness of your very own way you are drifting through life, only having a glance on what is happening around you i refuse all forms of vindication the truth is yours, no judgement to be made my 'wrong' and 'right' is one way that leads to the light led by a hand, the engine of the masses one way to your final destination but many roads lead to rome and equal roads may have opposite directions your firm conviction, your ignorance are your weapons - but there´s no war there is no victory, no capitulation you fight a war for a truth that does not exist your narrow-minded thinking is the resignation of your individuality nine roads, nine roads to rome... nine roads, nine roads to rome... i refuse all forms of vindication the truth is yours, no judgement to be made my 'wrong' and 'right' is one way that leads to the light