Sub Rosa

Liber Librae

Sub Rosa

Man, I was told to win through the life
And I was told to study and work hard
And I was told to sharpen my smile

Then, man, I was told to wear it around
Make bend the roots
And stand my own ground

Any time or way
The stars wait

But now I feel what reason can’t reach
Unlike their rules, my feeling is awake
Downtown my soul, my heart and my mind

And the more I think I know, there’re more news to find
Wherever I go
A new cliff to climb

There’s no time or space
And the life can’t wait

Beware of what may destroy your light
The vanity, the envy and the pride
Inconstancy and can't spoil the life
And the intolerance that build up the war

Shake off the lore
And bring out some love