We’re nothing, but a handful Of stardust watching stars Beholding an old projection of the sky Our weakness and passions Our greatness and laws Suddenly it all becomes so small May the silver star bring Wisdom From the rays of golden dawn In this sea of vice and virtue We see kings becoming pawns From the night sky open windows Dead lights come through from the past We behold an ancient mirror Beyond lifetime, ever last I do such a vow of silence About every time I see the Holy Light I do such a vow of silence That even for me the words aren’t enough to say See ourselves around this planet We act the Play of Life distrait of the price to pay We live so proud and play so careless That we kill the guide star to be cast astray May the silver star bring Wisdom From the rays of golden dawn Under seven brazen symbols Feet of clay for ruby crown When we find the last Lost Kingdom One more pigeon flies the Hall Comes the Holy Guardian Angel Marry sacred counterparts Spell Number One We will stalk The Black Star I see this light and I can’t believe That no longer exists that shiny star Spell Number Two The star’s born The star shines The star dies It will shine no more Spell Number Three Beware the Envy, beware the Intolerance Beware the Inconstancy, beware the Lies Beware the Vanity and all addiction That Man has built to destroy the Light