HOOK; Ewo ewo ewo ewo. VERSE 1 One day when I way parked in front of a traffic light a car parked beside my own, I saw a girl so very fine and so fly, asked her for her number but she told me I should throw her my telephone, which I didn't think was right, so I shook my head and told her I'd rather go somewhere and sit down and have a civil conversation only her and me, no one else to be a bother, she smiled at me and said it was alright, said that we should wait for the green light, that was the beginning of a love so fine, baby girl and I, sweeter than palm wine. CHORUS Anya n'egbu mo, Isi n'awa mo O na emem kam nghuru mmanya, she drives me crazy. VERSE 2 Last night Shifi called me and he told me he was dating a lovely girl, he said she really drives me crazy ewo; asked him for her picture when he showed me I could not say another word, it was the same girl I was dating. But I hugged him and said congratulations, left to an unknown destination, this bloody information that I'm being two-timed really beats my imagination, I wrote a verse to explain this to all y'all, sang it to Sunky and Mekoyo, who made an instrumental, with a beat so wow, that I'm using right now, just to tell you how. BRIDGE I saw Shifi chilling at the dome, with the girl he just started dating, the same night zeal took her home, he slipped out the back and there she was waiting. I shoulda picked my telephone, and told Shifi about it but I gotta secret of my own, I've been seeing the same girl in private. Should I call em both and tell them the truth, cos we really don't need a deep mess what other option is there to choose, should I talk to Joey and T-jazz or should I handle it on my own, and tell the girl to stop cheating or should I let the games carry on and pray to God that she leaves them.