Stuart Townsend

Psalm 23

Stuart Townsend

Tom: Eb

              Eb        Bbsus4   Eb
The Lord's my shepherd, I'll not want;
                   Ab/C     Bbsus4  Bb
He makes me lie in pastures green,
            Ab     Bbsus4   Bb7   Eb   Ab/C
He leads me by the still,   still wa - ters,
    Fm7         Bbsus4  Bb7 Eb
His goodness re-stores  my  soul.

           Eb       Bbsus4   Eb
And I will trust in You     alone,
                    Ab/C   Bbsus4 Bb
And I will trust in you   alone,
         Ab      Bbsus4     Bb7  Eb      Ab/C
For Your endless mer  -  -  cy   follows me,
     Fm7           Bbsus4  Bb7  Eb
Your goodness will lead    me   home.

[Verse 2]
             Eb      Bbsus4    Eb
He guides my ways in righteous-ness,
                  Ab/C      Bbsus4  Bb
And He anoints my head with oil;
       Ab      Bbsus4  Bb7     Eb         Ab/C
And my cup, it o   -   ver  -  flows with joy,
  Fm7          Bbsus4  Bb7  Eb
I feast on his pure    de - lights.

[Verse 3]
             Eb       Bbsus4  Eb
And though I walk the darkest path -
                    Ab/C   Bbsus4 Bb
I will not fear the evil   one,
            Ab       Bbsus4   Bb7  Eb      Ab/C
For You are with me, and      Your rod and staff
        Fm7       Bbsus4   Bb7   Eb
Are the comfort I need     to    know.