When I'm within you When I'm within you When I'm within you Vow to become you Vow to become you Vow to become you I wander into storms Heaven drops a bomb between my ears Squeezes all that fire into a spear and throws it at my fear Out of mercy, let a Mystery lead let it lead us into storms Where the light Where the lightening bolts are born Out of mercy, let a Mystery turn turn our faces to the sky then let the light then let the lightening strike the I Out of mercy Out of mercy Out of mercy So, when I'm within you When I'm within you When I'm within you Vow to become you Vow to become you Vow to become you This mystery holds us like a This mystery threads us like a One mystery holds us like a We're gonna wander right into it Some mystery holds us like a One mystery threads us like a Some mystery holds us like a We're gonna wander right into it We're gonna wander right into I'm gonna wrap my arms around you We're gonna wander right into right into Right into a storm where the light where the lightening bolts are born Out of mercy, let a Mystery turn turn our faces to the sky then let the light then let the lightening strike the I Out of mercy Out of mercy Our of mercy This Mystery turns us into smoke Weightless weight This Mystery turns us into smoke Gateless gate This Mystery turn us into smoke Stateless state