I am I am I am a brand new free democracy The world sends words of hope and good will to me Newsmen photograph my barricades Send their finest con men to comment on the big parade I am the favorite posting of the finest diplomats And they educate me in the ways of our brother rats I am the playground of the wealthy A diamond in a sapphire sea And they bring me casinos and the Formula 1 Grand Prix I am a small republic Aware of where I stand I am a small republic And my fate is in your hands I am Send me planes of foreign aid Birth control and Gatorade I am Send me teachers, engineers Buying plastic souvenirs I am Send me hustlers by the score Motel chains that hide the shore I am Send me tourists by the ton Drowned by wine and burned by sun I am a small republic And my fate is in your hands I have my own bent terrorists Plotting up a basement coup I have religious fanatics And a nuclear program too I am a small republic Aware of where I stand I am a small republic And my fate is in your hands I am a small republic Aware of where I stand I am a small republic And my fate is in your hands I am I am I am I am I am