Far away, remote from the sun There is a mighty hall Venom falls from the vent of the roof Tears of snakes turn into rivers All they who murdered and broke the oath Are doomed to wade through poisoned brooks The hall, which doors face to the north Entwined and bordered with serpent spines From Niflheim the dragon flies Bearing the corpses of men and their gore Sitting to guard over Hvergelmir's well At the land called dead man´s shore A region for the banished one´s Who fought in bloody revenge To rule the grim and clean the world Their souls will vanish in agony and blood All they who murdered and broke the oath Are doomed to wade through poisoned brooks The hall, which doors face to the north entwined and bordered with serpent spines Far away, remote from the sun There is a mighty hall The hall, which doors face to the north Entwined and bordered with serpent spines From Niflheim the dragon flies Bearing the corpses of men and their gore Sitting to guard over Hvergelmir's well At the land called dead man´s shore