When there was a sickness, there was a cure Right outside on the streets at the record store There once were heroes that we looked up to We never thought that we would do the things that they'd do Their presence is long gone Disconnected from the world that we grew up on Nothing will ever make as much of an impact When you hear these words will they make you react When there was a sickness, there was a cure Right outside on the streets at the record store There once were heroes that we looked up to We never thought that we would do the things that they'd do 'cause if this world is all about digital lives I can say that i'm ready to die One time, when you need to be saved With a kick and a push you can get away One time, when you need to be saved You can go and get lost in a mixtape 'cause if this world is all about digital lives I can say that i'm ready to die Since we can't live in yesterday Say goodbye to the past as the world turns grey Since we can't live in yesterday We can look to the future but it's all the same This generation has gone up in flames Because with all hope gone there is no cause for a change We know it's inside us all and the world has made it harder To latch onto the sound of being set free Disconnected from the world that we grew up on Bring it back to the streets