
Visions Southern Cross


Tom: A

/ The following is the author's own interpretation of the song, to be used -
/ for studying or private use only, removal of any part of this ten line   -
/ header is illegal!!!  Removal of the transcribers name or anything       -
/ relevant to the transcriber is also illegal, as so is the removal of the -
/ place inwhich the tab was downloaded. Publishing as well as printing of  -
/ owner of the song. Failure to apply to these laws result will in legal   -
/ action from the appropriate parties.                                     -

Visions (Southern Cross)

From album "Visions" (1997)

Transcribed by Teemu Haapanen
Email: *

Tune down 1/2 step

  Intro Riff (Gtr.1) (4x)
| Intro Riff (Gtr.2) (4x)

  Riff 1 (2x)
|  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
     .  .      . .

  Verse Riff 1 (2x)           
       . .     . .     . .     . .                  . .     . .     . .     . . 


 Riff 1 (2x)

 Verse Riff 1

 Riff 1 (2x)

 Riff 2

 Verse Riff 2           
    ..............................   ..............................

    ..............................          ..............................


 Interlude Riff 1 (4x)                              

 Interlude Riff 2 (4x)                   (4th time)

 (Acoustic Gtr.) (3x)


 (Acoustic Gtr.) (3x)


 Riff 3

  C5              E5                              C5                          E5
                                                      C5                 E5
                                                                         . .   .    .    .

                                 D5              B5

 Riff 4 (2x)                                       
      ..    ..    .    ..    ..   .   ..   ..   .
                                                           first time
     ..    ..    .    ..    ..   .    ..    ..    .

 (2nd time)
              . . . . . . .

 Riff 5
     ..    ..    .    ..    ..   .   ..   ..   .

     ..    ..    .    ..    ..   .    ..    ..    .

 Verse Riff 3

 Riff 6
     ..    ..    .    ..    ..   .   ..   ..   .

     ..    ..    .    ..    ..   .    ..    ..    .

 Verse Riff 4                             
                        ..............   ..............   ..............................

  Verse Riff 5 (2x)             Verse Riff 6

   . = palm mute
   / = slide up
   \ = slide down
   ~ = vibrato
   h = hammer on
   p = pull off
  fb = full bend
  hb = half bend
 fbr = full bend then release
 hbr = half bend then release
(17) = ghost note