Beyond the northern ocean where the lake Tritonis is placed there she lays since timeless ages we hail you Medusa we are the Gorgon cult She, somber keeper chosen by Persephone to guard the wastelands of Hades Not yet immortal feared by the humans her burning sight could turn flesh to stone Let us drink the blood of Gorgon Perseus' blade took her life but the myth lived on and on thousand names are celebrating the Gorgon Medusa a legend never dimmed She, somber guardian chosen by Persephone to keep the wastelands of death Not yet immortal a human no more Athena's curse sealed her doom once the brightest among women, for her vanity she was punished condemned to suffer 'til the end 'til a scythe gave her peace the sharpened iron gave her peace Still we let her tale survive in the heart of every man we know that existence ends not with the body but with faded memories Medusa