Living human carrion! My values amounts to your corpses Black rapture rising! From the depths of eternal triumph of plague Day is strangled by deep sunset Souls in the dead dreams swarm life worms Bodies in the lustful waiting of salvation Ashes of reality... ashes of memories Listen to my preaching! Malign postulates - seeds of the dreadful sickness Gospel of Omega! Destroy all your fears, found the true Horror! Share my black rapture! Featureless sacrifices of world of sorrow Taste the curse of fallen ones Legion of christened ones by furious hunger of Darkness! In the name of unholy Spirit! Symbols of Hell shine in the universal blackness Eternity blazes by the flames of truth Inexhaustible light of Master! Black rapture and furious hunger of darkness Black rapture and furious hunger of darkness Black rapture and furious hunger of darkness In the name... Symbols of Hell... Inexhaustible light... We are buried in him...