Rabble-rousing politics The press with sails trimmed to the wind The mantra of austerity Sealing europe's fate Elitist and criminal In the forefront of society Cynical and arrogant The actors of the farce A cold wind has bitten The flower called democracy The time is now for spring In germany Read between the lines The hardly wrapped up lies You won't have any gain From burying your head in the sand The happy days are gone Oppression's growing strong Awakening to blossom in dead glance Deceivers rule the land Still repeating all this lies Necessity of spending cut No compassion for the poor Only money counts these days Throwing sand into our eyes Eroding solidarity Propagating misery For markets to increase Trampled all over Our freedom and our privacy The ones supposed to serve us Are drowning us instead Lying, spying, killing globally Total war against society The witch hunt is on