You drink a pint of rum Don‘t stop until it‘s done You set your sails to rise You need to sacrifice The liberty you feel Is shaped by sail and keel You are a bloody guy We heed your call aye aye Jack, Jack, sailor Jack With a yarr harr yiddelidee Jack, Jack, sailor Jack Till your soul is free Jack, Jack, sailor Jack With a yarr harr yiddelidee Jack, Jack, sailor Jack Till you find your destiny The winds still loud and strong The waves all wild untamed And land not yet to come But Jack is lifelong damned Forever on he sails And ever on in hands Of never ending miles We heed your call aye aye Jack, Jack, sailor Jack With a yarr harr yiddelidee Jack, Jack, sailor Jack Till your soul is free Jack, Jack, sailor Jack With a yarr harr yiddelidee Jack, Jack, sailor Jack Till you find your destiny No need for destination Nor for forsaken gold Adrenaline and caress Of storms is all you want One day you may debark When this decade goes by With hooks and swords held high We heed your call aye aye Jack, Jack, sailor Jack With a yarr harr yiddelidee Jack, Jack, sailor Jack Till your soul is free Jack, Jack, sailor Jack With a yarr harr yiddelidee Jack, Jack, sailor Jack Till you find your destiny