The images sprung from the blade of my kingdom and with it a burning Ring gave its way onto the night dying like sterile souls of unborn creations White centuries that for eyes have been blind yet they saw the flame giving birth to the constant of Death Mortal extermination beyond the prophecy of a dilacerated Corpse that runs after the holy and week in the shaded forest of the lost Conjunction of polarity bound apart by the Black-Water that my blood was sown the cloth of virtue within Gathering the skin of the 3 disciples in the shapeless mass of eternity With what they've siped from the abyss I created a stream of energy and its spears were called Death and Hunger I fed the famit with poison And I killed the faithfull with slumber Of Hell the ensemble is born with acid but of heaven with hatred and an odium plastid to sacrifice monstrosity that lingers in the hand of earthly formation It is known that the planetary dagger bellongs to the allignment of Satan