Maidens passed from man to man Children gutted for bloody sport Temples sacked for gilded dross Green fields running free with blood. So many a noble deed was done. The king of men called forth the guard The farmers armed themselves with scythes In battle the ravens killed and killed And lost their company, one by one. Back they went onto the high road, Back they went, laden fat with wealth Back they went, their weapons ripe with gore Back they went to their nests. No beast nor gate would bar their way. The clouds were black behind their back, The pretty valleys darkened as they passed The beauty fled from such as they These bloody crows turned men. Back they went to their nests One returned for every three The Raven King was now content; He didn't need the Form of ....Man..... Their bellies now were full, The ravens called upon their King. Their nests were filled with hatchlings, Hungry young forever needing food. The ravens hailed their king.