Tom: C C G7 C Ottawa is a mighty good town, they never turn a maple leaf upside down. C7 F Here's to Ottawa in the land we love, D7 G7 Can anyone here name the capital of... British Columbia? Victoria! C G7 C Victoria is a mighty good town, they never turn a maple leaf upside down. C7 F Here's to Victoria in the land we love, D7 G7 Can anyone here name the capital of... Alberta? Edmonton! C G7 C Edmonton is a mighty good town, they never turn a maple leaf upside down. C7 F Here's to Edmonton in the land we love, D7 G7 Can anyone here name the capital of... Saskatchewan? Regina! C G7 C Regina is a mighty good town, they never turn a maple leaf upside down. C7 F Here's to Regina in the land we love, D7 G7 Can anyone here name the capital of... Manitoba? Winnipeg! C G7 C Winnipeg is a mighty good town, they never turn a maple leaf upside down. C7 F Here's to Winnipeg in the land we love, D7 G7 Can anyone here name the capital of... Ontario? Toronto! C G7 C Toronto is a mighty good town, they never turn a maple leaf upside down. C7 F Here's to Toronto in the land we love, D7 G7 Can anyone here name the capital of... Quebec? Quebec City! C G7 C Quebec City is a mighty good town, they never turn a maple leaf upside down. C7 F Here's to Quebec City in the land we love, D7 G7 Can anyone here name the capital of... New Brunswick? Fredericton! C G7 C Fredericton is a mighty good town, they never turn a maple leaf upside down. C7 F Here's to Fredericton in the land we love, D7 G7 Can anyone here name the capital of... Nova Scotia? Halifax! C G7 C Halifax is a mighty good town, they never turn a maple leaf upside down. C7 F Here's to Halifax in the land we love, D7 G7 Can anyone here name the capital of... Prince Edward Island? Charlottetown! C G7 C Charlottetown is a mighty good town, they never turn a maple leaf upside down. C7 F Here's to Charlottetown in the land we love, D7 G7 Can anyone here name the capital of... Newfoundland? St. John's! C G7 C St. John's is a mighty good town, they never turn a maple leaf upside down. C7 F Here's to St. John's in the land we love, D7 G7 Can anyone here name the capital of... Nunuavut? (NOO-nuh-vut) Iqaluit! (EE-kal-U-it) C G7 C Iqaluit is a mighty good town, they never turn a maple leaf upside down. C7 F Here's to St. John's in the land we love, D7 G7 Can anyone here name the capital of... the North West Territories? Yellowknife! C G7 C Yellowknife is a mighty good town, they never turn a maple leaf upside down. C7 F Here's to St. John's in the land we love, D7 G7 Can anyone here name the capital of... the Yukon? Whitehorse! C G7 C Whitehorse is a mighty good town, they never turn a maple leaf upside down. C7 F Here's to St. John's in the land we love, D7 G7 Can anyone here name the capital of... Canada? Ottawa! C G7 C Ottawa is a mighty good town, they never turn a maple leaf upside down. C7 F Here's to Ottawa in the land we love, G7 C And here's to the maple leaf flag that flies, up in Canada's sky, high above.