Sunshine drys up the sidewalks and wipes all my teardrops away I wheel my wheelchair to the window And stare at the rain as it falls on the street I wish in the gloom of my dark little room That a ray from the sunshine would peep Because rain drops just like my tears Won't let me watch the kids play But sunshine drys up the sidewalks And wipes all my teardrops away It's so good to see children like me Playing games on the street when it's dried They laugh and have fun They skip and they run And they make me feel happy inside While rain drops just like my tears Won't let me watch the kids play But sunshine drys up the sidewalks And wipes all my teardrops away Sometimes when I smile at the kids for awhile They come up to my window to see My funny wheelchair, and my legs that aren't there And they often pick flowers for me Until rain drops just like my tears Won't let me watch the kids play But sunshine drys up the sidewalks And wipes all my teardrops away Tomorrow I know, I don't want to go With that lady who comes in the van She'll take me away, where children won't play Near my sunshiny window again And rain drops just like my tears Won't let me watch the kids play But sunshine drys up the sidewalks And wipes all my teardrops away Sunshine drys up the sidewalks and wipes all my teardrops away.