Stolen Babies


Stolen Babies

Making money off their stupidity
Making them fall to the ground on down on their knees

They glorify, deify, and follow me
An image with a smile is all it takes
They glorify, deify, and follow me
I'm as ruthless as I am fake

They can't see, I'm lying though my teeth
So easily, I lie right through my teeth

I suppose I'm a parasite
I feed off attention
I have an insatiable need for power, fame, and adulation

They glorify, deify, and follow me
An image with a smile is all it takes
They glorify, deify, and follow me
I'm as ruthless as I am fake

They can't see, I'm lying though my teeth
So easily, I lie right through my teeth

If it weren't for the weak-minded I'd have no authority
I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing that they're blindly following

(Still I remain a most malevolent fiend,
Leading all the brain washed fools with their heard-mentality)
(Can't they see, I'm lying through my teeth?)
(So easy to deceive, I'm lying through my teeth)

They can't see, I'm lying though my teeth
So easily, I lie right through my teeth

Glorify, deify, follow!