Worm-eaten, rotten tenements inordinately burned Adjust the coordinates Return it to the Earth Leave! Leave it in the urn Wait there for your turn Leave it in the urn Go on Scripts blend What did they use to climb? I'm slipping off the wall The Eye is unblinking Open. Shut. Perfection I'm slipping off the wall! Go on She falls, gripping on to anything It's thin, I can breathe much lighter than before Air can stay trapped in graves The air, it moves through living beings Inhale clarity I need a breath sustained with ease Exhale impurities I need a breath sustained with ease Fill my chest with oxygen The air, it moves through living beings Inhale clarity I need a breath sustained with ease Fill my chest with consciousness Move around, aiming the weapon Torment and anguish The angle The turret hitting the targets The man and his pulpit Stay in the grave Locked in a coffin The angels would nail Yelling the loudest Under the crown Barter, you maggot! Everything evil alone You wanted it dark? Hear the break in the bone Leave! Leave it in the urn Wait there for your turn Leave it in the urn Go on Scripts blend What did they use to climb? I'm slipping off the wall Go on