
Fullmoon Ritual


In the Forest of Black Souls
We are Gathered to Adore
To spill blood of virgin whore
We are the children of unholy throne

Lunar Ceremony of Black Arts
We are plasphemy against god
Pison in the veins of blessed
Thorns carved deep in their flesh

Stone altar - spot of sacrifice
Obsidian knife - Tool of murder
Black candles - burning like hell
That flames should burn false promisses

Dark blade takes a life of the whore
Silent incantations voices of devilish tribe
Demons whispers of dark prays
Oh lord of Obscure Realms... in blood we trust!

As her soul be tortured
As we stand black circle, eye of the devil
As crescent shines of the pale blood
As we drink the blood of saint

The Mass of cursed Ones
The night of horned king
Holy screams I heard in this night
Sound that death has look away

Fullmoon ritual - ceremony for Satan
Abbysmall magic surrounded this place
Diabolical Celebration - Feast for hell
Taste the flesh before it gets cold