Stigian Lake


Stigian Lake

God of fire you're alone in your lost dreams,
always in a nightmare, can you find the end?

Falling down there's nothing you can do,
your dreams don't become true and your soul is doomed.

Leave the men, go on and fly
to the other side of life,
you're the Hammer of the Gods
scream into the night

Hefesto, see your bloody paradise
Hefesto, feel the Stigian wind you�re gonna cry.
Hefesto, look inside your broken heart
Hefesto, centuries of pain in your hands.

Think about you and feel desires of death,
you want to break all the world and fly away

Run in the night, burn in the fires of Hell,
the only way to scape's to be born again.

Leave the men, go on and fly
to the other side of life,
you're the Hammer of the Gods
scream into the night

Hefesto, see your bloody paradise
Hefesto, feel the Stigian wind you're gonna cry.
Hefesto, look inside your broken heart
Hefesto, centuries of pain in your hands.

And the dark claims you now forget the lonely years.
You can be the God of Hell behind your broken dreams.

Feel the storm in your eyes, the power in your hands.
You can be the God of Hell behind your broken dreams.

Waiting the night to commite suicide.
Criying for the life in this grave.
Breaking the glass of magic mirrors.
Wasting your dreams in this horror.
Living with black angels of Death
Coming to Hell, Hell!
Burning in the flames of Stigian fires
Screaming in the cold winter of Death