Stick To Your Guns

Such An Outrage

Stick To Your Guns

What are you trying to prove?
Could it be that you're trying to prove that you have nothing left to lose?
Well since when did this mean nothing to you?

As we lose everything we fought to hold on to we lost sight of the things that we know are true.

We continue to make the same mistakes we promised ourselves not to make.

This is such an outrage.
Such an outrage!
Such an outrage!

As we lose everything we fought to hold on to we lost sight of the things that we know are true.

We continue to make the same mistakes we promised ourselves not to make.

This is such an outrage.

And we refuse to fall victim, to be cut short of full potential.
We aren't asking you to understand but just to listen.

Because when it comes down to it its our heart that will prove who we are.

We will be heard.
Every word.
We will be heard.
Not even violence can silence us.

And who are you to say (we) don't belong, to say what's right what's wrong.
At the end of the day we'll still be here, when you turn and walk away.

This is such an outrage! (x4)

This is such an outrage!
Such an outrage!