What do I have to do to get through to you?
I've sat and waited patiently, and its so plain to see that you no longer have any faith in me.
So what happens when we're all gone and you have no one left to put the blame on?

Not again!
Not today!
From until the end we do things our way!
Not again!
Not today!
From until the end we do things our way!

We've been underestimated,
left to fix the mess you created, (and its taken it's toll. )
You put us down just to build you up, now you're falling apart and you're looking to us,

this game is getting old.
We are the truth,
we are the youth,
this time you lose
because we make the rules.
We make the rules!

I'm not sure how much more I can take and I'm not sure how much longer I can fake that this makes sense to me.
You make it look so easy,
but I can promise you that we've got  more heart than you! If you would just give us a chance to prove what we can do!

We've been underestimated,
left to fix the mess you created, (and its taken it's toll. )
You put us down just to build you up, now you're falling apart and you're looking to us,

this game is getting old..
this game is getting old..

We'll them away with the impact we'll make.
We'll blow them away... with the impact we'll make.
We'll blow them away  with the impact we'll make!
We'll blow them away  with the impact!