Stevie Wonder

Living For The City

Stevie Wonder

Tom: D

(Original Key: F#)

Intro: D  E  F, E (x4)

Verse 1:

D              E
 A boy is born,
   F                E
In hard time Missis-sippi,
D               E
 Surrounded by;
     F                   E
Four walls that ain't so pretty.
D                  E
 His parents give,
    F           E
Him love and af-fection,
D                    E
 To keep him strong;
       F               E
Moving in the right di-rection.

Chorus 1:

       G            A
Living just enough, just enough,
        D     E  F  E
For the city...  ee ha!

Verse 2:

D                  E
 His father works,
     F                 E
Some days for fourteen hours,
D                 E
 And you can bet,
   F              E
He barely makes a dollar.
D                E
 His mother goes,
   F                    E
To scrub the floors for many;
D                       E
 And you'd best believe,
    F             E
She hardly gets a penny.

Chorus 2:

       G            A
Living just enough, just enough,
        D     E  F  E, D
For the city...

Bridge 1:

         D7         G7
Da ba da da, da da, da,
A#                  G#
 Da da da da, da da da.
G#7       F
 Da da da da,
D#           D
 Da da da da da.

Verse 3:

D                   E
 His sister's black,
    F               E
But she is sho'nuff pretty,
D                    E
 Her skirt is short,
    F                 E
But Lord her legs are sturdy.
D                   E
 To walk to school,
      F             E
She's got to get up early.
D                     E
 Her clothes are old,
    F              E 
But never are they dirty.

Chorus 3:

       G            A
Living just enough, just enough,
        D     E  F  E
For the city...

Verse 4:

D                     E
 Her brother's smart,
     F                   E
He's got more sense than many.
D                     E
 His patience's long,
    F                  E
But soon he won't have any.
D               E
 To find a job,
   F               E
Is like a haystack needle,
D                    E
 'Cos where he lives,
     F                  E
They don't use coloured people.

Chorus 4:

       G            A
Living just enough, just enough,
        D     E  F  E, D
For the city...

Bridge 2:

         D7         G7
Da ba da da, da da, da,
A#                  G#
 Da da da da, da da da.
G#7       F
 Da da da da,
D#           D
 Da da da da da.


D       E      F
 Living just e-nough,
For the city, yeah,
D       E      F
 Living just e-nough,
For the city.

D       E      F
 Living just e-nough,
For the city, yeah,
D       E      F
 Living just e-nough,
For the city.

D       E      F
 Living just e-nough,
For the city, yeah,
D       E      F
 Living just e-nough,
For the city.

D       E      F
 Living just e-nough,
For the city, yeah,
D       E      F
 Living just e-nough,
For the city.


D  E  F, E (x4)

Verse 5:

D                 E
 His hair is long,
    F                 E
His feet are hard and gritty,
 He spends his life,
E            F                   E
 Walking the streets of New York City.
D                  E
 He's almost dead,
     F                    E 
From breathing in air pol-lution,
 He tried to vote,
E       F                 E
 But to him there's no so-lution.

Chorus 5:

       G            A
Living just enough, just enough,
        D     E  F  E
For the city...

Verse 6:

D                 E
 I hope you hear,
   F                E
In-side my voice of sorrow;
D                      E
 And that it motivates you,
   F                E
To make a better to-morrow.
D                     E
 This place is cruel,
   F                   E
No where could be much colder,
D                    E
 If we don't change;
    F                  E
The world will soon be over.
Will soon be over.

Chorus 6:

       G            A
Living just enough, just enough,
        D     E  F  E, D
For the city...


         D7         G7
Da ba da da, da da, da,
A#                  G#
 Da da da da, da da da.
G#7       F
 Da da da da,
D#           D
 Da da da da da.