Dead leaves on the street the day after love did go Chemin de fer may now take me there En route to julie greco Commencement, arrondissement, super intellectual Philosophise, 'neath parisian skies Dans le café les deux magots Pardonne moi, excusez moi Tell me where do all the good girls go? Pardonne moi, excusez moi Tell me where do all the good girls go? Where do all the good girls go? Where do they go in the city of light? Where do they go? where is the beautiful life? Where do they go? Jean michel at the bar, he's having a jar Oxygene beginning to flow Charlotte rampling is starting to sing "where did victor hugo?" I need a girl for this boy, a bundle of joy Wrapped like a paquet cadeau She'll appear on the tide and together we'll glide Dans l'escalier clemenceau Pardonne moi, excusez moi Tell me where do all the good girls go? Pardonne moi, excusez moi Tell me where do all the good girls go? Where do all the good girls go? Where do they go? there's none that i can see Where do they go? où est la belle vie? Where do they go?